Color scheme refers to the colors chosen by an engaged couple to use throughout their wedding.
Color Wheel
Complementary - Colors that are on opposite ends of each other on the color wheel.
Analogous - Colors that are adjacent on the color wheel.
Monochromatic - Variations of the same tone.
Primary Colors - Colors that can be combined to create other colors (Red, Blue, and Yellow).
Secondary Colors - Colors that are created from primary colors (Green, Orange, and Purple).
Tertiary Colors - Colors that are created by mixing primary and secondary colors together. (There are six tertiary colors:Yellow-orange, Orange-red, Red-violet [orchid], Blue-violet, Blue-green [turquiose] & Yellow-green [lime])
For Choosing Your Color Scheme
- Visit a fabric store and collect paint swatches for inspiration.
- Choose colors that complement the carpeting and decor of your setting.
- If you want to use a particular flower, you can build your color scheme around that color.
- Consider what type of mood you want to evoke.
- Consider the season - spring and summer colors tend to be lighter while fall and winter colors tend to be darker.
- Think about themes or motifs (such as leaves) you might want to use throughout your wedding.
- Pay attention to your favorite colors or colors you are the most drawn to.
Where To Inject Your Color Scheme
- Flowers and decor
- Invitations
- Bridesmaid dresses
- Wedding cake
- Favors
- Table linens
- Tuxes (ties, vests, pocket-squares)
- Programs
Popular Color Schemes
- Black, white and yellow
- Light pink and chocolate
- Red and black
- Blue and white
- Light green and light pink
- Teal and red
- Green and yellow
- Burnt Orange and Burgundy Red
- Fuschia and Sky Blue
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